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Our Brief

With the purpose of establishing a strong brand positioning both in social media and real market, NT Blu Ray wanted Pixelaa Studios to make a top notch animated promotional video for their product to keep up with the growing trend of animation and appear smartly in front of their target customers. Geographically, their plan was to promote the product in the rural areas mostly hence, the video needed to have relatable elements for target audience to connect.

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The Idea

We at Pixelaa Studios, planned to create an animated video commercial set in a rural environment with characters communicating in local accent. Moreover, our script included humor and relevant visuals for audience to connect rather than getting bored.NT Blu Ray promoted the video in Facebook and local cable TV channels throughout various districts & sub-district. The result was fabulous. In Facebook, the video earned around 600+K views and 1100+ Shares along with numerous Likes and Comments. Whereas, the video received very positive reviews among locals in their targeted rural areas. Easily, the video spreaded from one to one via neighbours, tea stalls, friends and in all possible ways.

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The Outcome

NT Blu Ray promoted the video in Facebook and local cable TV channels throughout various districts & sub-district. The result was fabulous. In Facebook, the video earned around 600+K views and 1100+ Shares along with numerous Likes and Comments. Whereas, the video received very positive reviews among locals in their targeted rural areas. Easily, the video spreaded from one to one via neighbors, tea stalls, friends and in all possible ways.

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